Getting into IT!

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The Perfect Practice Environment

Using a web platform that runs code can be a valuable tool when preparing for software engineering interviews.
These platforms allow you to practice coding challenges and problems in an environment that simulates the actual coding experience, with real-time feedback on your code`'`s correctness and efficiency.


Interactive Code Editor To Solve Problems In Real Time

Introducing the all-new interactive code editor window like in VSCode! With this cutting-edge concept, coding feels just like you're working on your trusty desktop machine. And that's not all - the editor comes packed with a host of powerful benefits, including:

Code in real time with live preview enabled.
Install dependencies. We know you need axios.
Create files and components on the go. Instantly.
Real time changes reflect as and when you change your code.
Editor settings, theme settings, interview settings.
Choose from a list of 40+ programming languages
Change theme to fit your style. We love the Algochurn theme though.

There exist multiple solutions and a variety of approaches

To grasp the fundamental concept, it can be beneficial to explore various solutions for a given question. Experiment with diverse approaches and then compare your solution to the provided ones.


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Optimized Solution

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